NaNoWriMo Day 12
(as DominicSFF)
(Buddies welcome!)
I have passed the 20,000 mark, which is a great psychological milestone and hope to break the half way point today (or maybe tomorrow because writing has slowed appreciably since the plot line got a bit more hazy!)
Here is a tiny excerpt from the very latest bit of writing
“Terrible things are happening at the hall, Mistress Tarvi.”
The older woman clicked her tongue and gently laid her hand on Kari’s. “Mynah, dear.”
Kari swallowed, how could she repay this woman’s kind and generous heart by breaking it?
“The Magister Rector has been murdered, Mynah, and evil men seek to take control.”
“You know this, do you, dear?” It was said kindly, but with not unreasonable scepticism, given that scullery maids are not known for being at the centre of power.
“Sometimes people find themselves somewhere unexpected and hear things they shouldn’t. I was one and ...” She fought against the tears that pricked her eyes and the grief that seized her throat. “Rashad was another.”
Mynah, grew still, her face pale.
“I escaped,” Kari said. “The Power saved me; I don’t know why.” She couldn’t go on.
“and Rashad?” Mynah voice was barely a whisper.
Words fled and the tears that rolled silently down Kari’s cheeks spoke for her.
This is just before she blows up the tavern.
As you do.