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Saturday 20 November 2010

Writers Oasis Blogfest

Thanks to Madeleine at Scribble and Edit for hosting this blogfest, and for inspiring a lovely dreamy reverie about my ideal hidey-hole!

I absolutely love the mountains. Mountains evoke a sense of awe and majesty, a reminder that we are not the centre of the universe and ground us in humility. They have a permanence and reliability in a frantic world, and yet with the mercurially shifting weather, the play of light and shadow across the ever changing cloak of the seasons, they offer a fresh vista of inspiration every day.

My hideaway cottage in the mountains

I love the loneliness of mountains, where the only sounds are the buffeting of the wind, the quiet song of the insects, the chuckle of water and the laughter of the sheep. I love the warm moistness of the air in the boggy moorland and the fierce exhilaration in the wind at the mountain top. And the view. The heart pounding glory of a world stretching out into the hazy distance, full of life, yet captured in the stillness of distance.

My luxury would be a fan heater. Yes, I know, very strange. There is something about the focussed source of heat in a cold room (or even out on the decking on a cold evening!) and the quiet, rhythmic drone of the fan that frees my mind to wander.

My five books. Only five? Well, if I am supposed to be writing, I had better not have too many distractions! On the recommendation of Nancy Williams I recently bought some books which look fantastic and I am really looking forward to reading:

The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers (Christopher Vogler)
45 Master Characters (Victoria Lynn Schmidt)
Self Editing for Fiction Writers, 2nd Edition (Renni Browne / Dave King)

and I'll take a Bible (spiritual nourishment) and the Harry Potter series in one super volume, because I want to de-construct it to work out for myself what magic ingredient makes perfectly sane people queue at midnight! (and because I love the books, of course!)


  1. Hi Dom, I really enjoyed reading this. I would also enjoy that location with the heater. I like sound of your chosen books too. Thanks for joining in. :O)

  2. That's a beautiful place in the picture, and the place you describe sounds amazing!

  3. I should add that when I say "my" hideaway cottage - I mean it is my idea of a hideaway cottage. It was the closest I could find to what I would love to own!

  4. Very nice! I too am a lover of the mountains.

  5. I love the mountains too! I go to the northern mountains in my home state quite often, but I don't get the luxury of seeing that beautiful water like you have in your photo. :-)

    Nice to meet you, Dominic!

  6. Hey Dom it sounds breathtaking and yes having sheep grazing on the side of the mountains can be oddly comforting.
    A hershey kiss is an american chocolate its shaped like a molten drop of chocolate. They used to have them in Bentalls but I am not sure anymore.


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